Tuesday 3 May 2011

Evaluation question two

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I think that my media product represents young adults (ages 18-30) as all the characters in my thriller are roughly in their early twenties, i would give my thriller the certification '18', so i would not recommend children under the age of eighteen to watch my thriller. My media convention has a double view on equality with genders, as all the victims in my thriller are female this can be seen as chauvinism; however, the main characters are mostly female this would be supported from a feminist point of view. Broadly, this thriller is suitable for male and female, nevertheless, it may be more popular amongst women, as the main characters are mostly female. My partner and I did a practice movie before the main one, the murderer in this was black, we did our final thriller film with the killer being white as we did not want to racially discriminate, we also wanted to avoid being stereotypical. I think we have a wider audience with the slaughterer being caucasian, as no races are offended.

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