Thursday 5 May 2011

Evaluation Question four

Who would be the audience for your media product?

I think that the ideal age of my target audience would be ages 15-24, as anyone under the age of fifteen would

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Evaluation question three

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think that Twentieth Fox Film Corporation Company would be interested in distributing my film. I think this because Twentieth Fox Film Corporation Company has made thrillers similar to mine, particularly, the thriller 'Sleeping With The Enemy', I think this thriller is similar because it is suspenseful, and it builds a lot of tension. When Martin Burney Laura's husband finds her, he indirectly gives her the idea that he has found her by changing things in her house, she comes home and can tell that he is there by the house looking different, my thriller is homogeneous to this as when the killer enters the house things begin to change, i.e the candle being blown out, this makes it evident that it is not just me in the house. However my thriller is a lot more modern than 'Sleeping With The Enemy' so this media institution may like to distribute a more modern, yet suspenseful thriller. The unique, but effective sound effects made in my thriller, for example when i am chopping the fruit, or walking to my house on the front drive, are similar to The Twentieth Fox Film Corporation Companies thriller The Omen, in the opening sequence of The Omen when he is in the taxi the sounds of the other cars are made very obvious, this builds tension. However, a company such as Walt Disney Pictures have never done a thriller as most of their movies are 'U' or 'PG' as they do a lot of films targeted at young children under the age of twelve, Walt Disney Pictures would definitely not distribute my thriller.

Evaluation question two

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I think that my media product represents young adults (ages 18-30) as all the characters in my thriller are roughly in their early twenties, i would give my thriller the certification '18', so i would not recommend children under the age of eighteen to watch my thriller. My media convention has a double view on equality with genders, as all the victims in my thriller are female this can be seen as chauvinism; however, the main characters are mostly female this would be supported from a feminist point of view. Broadly, this thriller is suitable for male and female, nevertheless, it may be more popular amongst women, as the main characters are mostly female. My partner and I did a practice movie before the main one, the murderer in this was black, we did our final thriller film with the killer being white as we did not want to racially discriminate, we also wanted to avoid being stereotypical. I think we have a wider audience with the slaughterer being caucasian, as no races are offended.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Evaluation question one

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My thriller film uses the characteristics from the psychological thriller Scream, which was directed by suspense master Wes Craven. This is because in my thriller and Scream both of the targets are female who get terrorized by serial killers, who are doing a joint crime whereby they call their targets and persecute them by enduring in threatening phone calls and use horror movie references.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Shot types

My filming partner and i looked at shot types as a guide to know which shot types we are going to use in our thriller opening sequence, and when we are going to use 'extreme close up' for example, and for what reason are we going to use certain shot types. 

ECU - Extreme Closeup

ECU - Extreme Closeup
This shot type is used for very small but meaningful details in the scene. For a thriller movie it could be significant to do an extreme close up of a killer's eye if he is peeping through at his victim.
The close up just reveals detail, it just gives the audience a good idea of what someone/something looks like. If there is a close up of someone's head and shoulders the viewer of the movie would have a good idea of what they look like.
CU - Close Up
CU - Close Up
The close up just reveals detail, it just gives the audience a good idea of what someone/something looks like. If there is a close up of someone's head and shoulders the viewer of the movie would have a good idea of what they look like.
Head and Shoulders
Head and Shoulders
This is used in news broadcasts, the audience can clearly see the characters facial expressions with the 'head and shoulders shot'.
Bust ShotBust Shot
This shot shows your subject from above the knees to above the head. It is often used when the subject of the shot is doing something that requires the audience to see some detail. For example in a thriller movie a bust shot would be suitable if it was of the killer holding the gun.
MS - Medium ShotMS - Medium Shot
This shot is just below the waist to above the head. There is more headroom than in the bust shot. 
MLS - Medium Long ShotMLS - Medium Long Shot
With this shot, you can still see expression on the character's face, and also you can be getting more information from what is going on around the person. This is one of the most common shots used.
LS - Long ShotLS - Long Shot
This shot is useful for someone that is walking or moving. So the audience can clearly see everything that the character is doing.
ELS - Extra Long ShotELS - Extra Long Shot
Also known as the Establish shot, this gives the audience some perspective as to where the subject is. This is very important if the subject is moving to new locations or times. It lets the audience know where the video is taking place.
2 Shot 2 Shot
These shots are used when two people are in the scene and their interaction is crucial. A two-shot is a good way to introduce or show a conversation. From the introduction you might cut to an over the shoulder shot of one person talking or a close-up of the other person reacting to what is being said.
OS - Over Shoulder OS - Over Shoulder
This shot reveals one subject as seen from over the shoulder of another subject. It gives a view of the subject as seen from the second person's eyes. This shot is often used in conversations between two people where the dirtector wants to focus on the person speaking, so it is easier for the audience to follow. Usually these shots are head shots (close ups of the speaker).

Friday 18 March 2011

Different Types of Thriller Films

1) Action Thriller
- A lot of violence
- Its a race against the clock (fast moving)
- Uses a lot of weapons, i.e guns and explosions

As an example of an opening sequence of an action thriller movie i used the newest James Bond movie 'Casino Royal'. It is very clear that this movie is an action thriller as the first couple of seconds are not at all suspenseful, James Bond is very blunt and to the point when he is talking to the other man in the movie. After that the camera cuts from the other man to James Bond and then cuts straight to a fighting scene without any conversation, this is all in the first 40 seconds of the film, this tells us that action thriller movies are fast moving, and jump straight to violence. After the fighting between the two men, the camera cuts back to James Bond and his rival, his enemy is holding a gun, this is common in action thrillers to open with weapons, without any build up.

2) Crime Thriller
- It is a mix between a crime film and a thriller film
- A crime thriller usually focuses on the criminal not the victim, which is very different to most thriller films
- And of course it focuses more on the action than the psychological aspects of the movie
- Crime Thriller's are more violent than suspenseful

As an example of an opening sequence of a crime thriller, I used The 'Godfather'. Even in the first few seconds of this movie it is evident that it is a crime thriller, as there is a shot of someone who looks like the criminal staring at an 'NYC policeman', this is repeated twice. The use of black and white represents sophistication, the music is very suited to the time period, and it gives evidence of where the film is set, the music also gives the audience the implication that it is clearly not a drama thriller, horror thriller, psychological thriller, supernatural thriller, erotic thriller or a disaster thriller, this narrows it down to being a political thriller, action thriller or of course a crime thriller, and by the shots its quite clearly a crime thriller. Within the first 30 seconds of the opening sequence there is already a shot of a photograph, this shot is of two men in suits, its a close up that focuses on their knees up to their chests, this hints investigational evidence of criminals. The title sequence also shows a lot of photographs which can be associated with crime scene investigation.

3) Disaster Thriller
- This is a thriller that includes natural disasters
- For example tsunamis or volcanoes
- These are not as thrilling as any other thriller because they are not as easy to relate to

4) Drama Thriller
- This is a thriller with drama elements
- This really differs with action thrillers as drama thrillers are very slow pacing
- Drama thrillers include a lot of plot twists this makes them exciting to watch
- They force the audience to keep interested as there is a great deal of character development

5) Erotic Thriller
- Similarly to 'drama thrillers' the erotic thriller is also a combination of two genres
- This is a combination of erotica and thriller

6) Horror Thriller
- These are usually one of the scariest types of thriller films
- The conflict between the main characters is emotional, mental and physical
- These are usually the most realistic types of thrillers

7) Political Thriller

8) Psychological Thriller
- These movies play with your head
- Similarly to 'horror thrillers' they are also one of the scariest types of thrillers as they feel very realistic
- These types of thrillers are suspenseful and slow moving
- There is a build up to the typical violent endings
- In that build up psychological thrillers consist of the characters conflicts being mental and emotional

9) Supernatural Thriller
- These thrillers are not very realistic and therefore not so thrilling
- One of the main characters who is in conflict with another one of the main characters has supernatural powers, i.e
- This thriller combines the typical thriller with the basic horror elements, i.e the use of ghosts

Independent brief notes on the opening sequences of thriller films

All of the following thriller films I chose because I thought that they all had spectacular opening sequences as they build tension:

-Words put together well
-Title out of blood
-Blood drops to cause suspense
-Music- cycrenis sound goes with footage
-Food made into something creepy and disgusting
-Fists scrunch together
-CU of face
-Very sinister out of normal everyday life
-Tieing shoe laces lead to strangling
-Sinister, frightening and thrilling appeal
-Boring everyday life items being made into suspense
-Cliche titles
-Very jolly and light music
-Synchronism music

Cape Fear
-Scary music, suspenseful, synchronism
-Slanted scary writing
-Dark water
-Reflections on water
-Black shadow
-Blood pool
-ECU of x-ray eyes turning into a girl talking (gradually zooming out)
-Similar to vertigo

-Actors names written on buildings
-Music building tension
-Slow violin
-Little bit of voice is used
-Bulbed wire
-Already have the clue that it is set in the city
-House in blood
-Title in blood
-All of font written on town/city objects
-Zoom in on phone
-Jumps into footage

Burn After Reading
-Kind of thriller with comedy
-Blurred circles, orange and blue to open
-Planet earth moving round and zooming into a country
-Jungle music
-Telephone ringing over music
-Low camera angle
-Filming feet
-Someone walking into an office
-Zooming into a building from earth
-In a corridor, could be anywhere (simplistic)
-Music goes off
-Suits/ties/office/strobe lighting/pen/paper, gives an office feel
-dialogue commences